About the Fish Island Yacht Club
Founded by a small, select group of yachties and eco-nerds, the Fish island Yacht Club was founded with strict membership requirements:
I/ All proposed members shall apply to the Executive Committee.
II/ The bylaws of the Fish Island Yacht Club (which shall remain secret) specify that the Executive Committee must admit all those who are eligible according to the bylaws.
III/ The bylaws further state that each potential member must donate at least twenty-five (25) U.S. dollars to the charity of their choice. This donation must be above and beyond any contributions already made, or already planned.
IV/ The bylaws of the Fish Island Yacht Club state that membership applications from human beings, and in certain cases sea-going cats, dogs, and other pets, must be approved by the Executive Committee.
Once your application for membership has been approved by the Executive Committee, you then have all the rights and privileges associated with membership, as set forth in the bylaws. Said rights and privileges include the right to display the Fish Island Yacht Club pennant and logo on your boat, car, etc.

In memory of Captain John, charter member of the Fish Island Yacht Club.