Fish Island Ecology/Arts Lab, 2006-2009
From the 2009 Fish Island web site:
“Fish Island in New Bedford, Mass. is a small marine-salvage island that was the site of the country's first oil refinery — refining first whale oil, then kerosene. Some think it was where the United States started on its path of petroleum fuel dependence. To turn the tide on this phenomenon, the Fish Island Ecology/Arts Lab will host water-cleaning sculptures and landscapes that grow biofuel plants. A vernacular green roof, eco-toilets, rainwater collection, solar greenhouse heating, biodiesel distribution are featured. A gallery/workshop space is available short-term for eco-artists, ecologists and activists. Community workshops will be offered. Artists should submit a short description of what they would like to do at Fish Island and preferred dates. Expertise on plants and ecologically oriented treatment, as well as some hardware and raw reclaimable and transformable materials are available on site.”
The 2009 website gave credit to the following people:
David del Porto (biofuel oil plants, ecological wastewater systems)
Anja Bruell and Grit Buergow (planted solutions)
Dr. Robert France (watershed management, water in culture)
Chris Hill (biodiesel, diesel engines)
Patrick Keaney (biodiesel, diesel engines)
Dr. Richard Podolsky (avian habitat)
Friends and Muses
Jackie Brookner
Betsy Damon
Noel Harding
Herbert Dreiseitl
Aurora Mahassine
Michael Braungart
Conrad Geyser
American Visionary Art Museum, Baltimore
Waterfire, Providence
Photos of the Fish Island Ecology/Arts Lab

Allison with a water-cleaning landscape in a bathtub.

Drea with bio-fuel.

At work in the Lab.

The eco-toilet at the Lab.

Dr. Podolsky at work.

The wind turbine at the Lab.

A sketch of the Green Port vision. Concept and design: Carol Steinfeld. Illustration: Davison Bolster.